We are delighted to invite you to a panel discussion hosted by Reed Smith’s WINRS committee (Women’s Initiative Network). Our panellists will discuss Singapore's proposed workplace fairness legislation (WFL) and steps companies can take to ready themselves for the legislation which is expected to be passed into law by 2024.

Event Type: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Women's Initiative Network of Reed Smith (WINRS), Seminar

Location Name:
Reed Smith's Singapore office, 10 Collyer Quay #18-01 Ocean Financial Centre 049315
Start Date/Time:
1 November 2023, 9:15 AM CST
End Date/Time:
1 November 2023, 11:00 AM CST

The WFL is a significant milestone towards building a fairer and more harmonious workplace, thus sending a strong signal that workplace discrimination in Singapore will not be tolerated. To provide guidance on the new WFL, Guest-of-Honour, Minister of State for Manpower Ms Gan Siow Huang, will be joining us in this panel discussion.

WINRS is a growing community of lawyers within Reed Smith that operates as a “Virtual Practice Group” dedicated to further enhancing our workplace to more effectively develop, reward, engage, and attract women lawyers and develop them to their fullest potential. Read about WINRS.


9:15 am - Registration, arrival of guests & breakfast

9:55 am - Arrival of Minister of State Ms Gan Siow Huang

10:00 am - Introduction by WINRS

10:05 am - Context-Setting video by by Ministry of Manpower

10:15 am - Panel discussion and Q&A

10:55 am - Group photo-taking

11:00 am - End of Programme