Senior Associate Rebeca Mosquera, in her capacity as ArbitralWomen (AW) president, has been invited to present the Champion for Change (CFC) Award to this year’s recipient as part of the 2024 New York Arbitration Week.

Intervenants: Rebeca E. Mosquera

Type d’évènement: Conférence, Diversité, Equité & Inclusion, Woman's Initiative Network of Reed Smith (WINRS)

Crowell & Moring LLP - New York office, Two Manhattan West, New York NY 10001
Date/heure de début
20 November 2024, 6:00 PM ET
Date/heure de fin
20 November 2024, 8:30 PM ET

The CFC Award is a distinction honoring allies and champions who actively support AW’s mission to promote and advance women and diversity in dispute resolution through their words and actions.