Telehealth platforms that provide diagnostic tests, pharmaceutical products, dietary supplements, or other specialty health products – as well as the clinical consultations necessary for the prescription of/recommendation for those products – exist in a unique regulatory environment. The FTC is starting to target these platforms with enforcement actions around alleged marketing and advertising violations, however, and the FDA may not be far behind.

Intervenants: Rachael G. Pontikes Emily L. Hussey Monique N. Bhargava

Type d’évènement: Webinar, Formation juridique continue

Date/heure de début
1 May 2024, 2:30 PM EDT
Date/heure de fin
1 May 2024, 3:30 PM EDT

Join us for an engaging presentation:

  • Examining the FTC and FDA regulations and guidances applicable to these sort of telehealth platforms
  • Discussing recent enforcement actions against such platforms and what other platforms can learn from these actions
  • Providing a brief overview of the scope and process behind a marketing review and the protection it can offer such platforms

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