Veranstaltungsart: Teleseminar

Startdatum / -uhrzeit:
14 March 2012, 12:00 PM EDT
Enddatum / -uhrzeit:
14 March 2012, 12:45 PM EDT

On Wednesday, March 14, we will present our semi-annual update on the state tax developments involving E-Commerce and the treatment of digital goods and services including: software, cloud computing, web-based services, web-hosting, and electronic data processing.

The taxation of emerging technologies is an area of tax law that is developing as quickly as new electronic technologies come to market. How the states are taxing sales of these digital goods and services is a critical—and confusing—issue for companies. Tax experts know that no uniformity exists among the states on whether or not tax applies to electronically provided software, web-hosting space and services, cloud-based access, or digital information services. It is therefore essential that tax professionals and companies that sell, or plan to offer, these digital goods and services not only be up-to-date with the policies in their key target states, but also possess practical insight on how to minimize exposure through effective planning strategies.