Tipo de evento: Educación legal continua/desarrollo profesional continuo

Fecha/hora de inicio:
9 May 2014, 8:15 AM BIT
Fecha/hora de finalización:
9 May 2014, 4:45 PM BIT
The New York City Bar Center is hosting a CLE on Friday May 9th, 2014 from 8:15 AM - 4:45 PM. Their 2014 Litigation Summit for In-House Counsel, Outside Counsel and Judges will look at the changing practice of litigation in both the federal and state courts and how prospective rules changes will affect the practice over the next few years.
They will have a stimulating address on the vanishing jury trial, from Prof. Marc Galanter, a renowned researcher and writer in the field. Judith A. Miller, Co-Chair, ABA Cybersecurity Task Force, former General Counsel of the Department of Defense and former General Counsel of Bechtel Corporation, will let litigators know what cybersecurity means for them.
They have a stellar faculty that includes federal and state judges, in-house counsel and seasoned litigators. We will hear from both the New York State Deputy Chief Attorney General and the general counsel of the SEC on where governmental litigation is headed. They will wrap up with a nuts and bolts discussion of the costs of litigation, with practical suggestions on how to control them.