Type d’évènement: Formation juridique continue

New York Hotel Pennsylvania, 401 Seventh Avenue, New York NY 10001
Date/heure de début
21 July 2014, 9:00 AM BIT
Date/heure de fin
21 July 2014, 4:30 PM BIT

The reduction to writing of an agreed-upon understanding among parties can sometimes be viewed as a cursory step in formalizing a business relationship. Yet the manner in which concepts are expressed on a page is often as important as the concepts themselves. Solid contract-drafting skills are therefore essential tools to any professional who deals with transactions or business relationships. Unfortunately, although contract counterparties might have the best of intentions, many contracts—even those drafted by experienced attorneys and those relating to the most prominent of transactions—are plagued with ambiguities, inconsistencies, unintended imprecision, and “bloat” from unnecessary legalese, rendering them confusing, risky, and potentially very costly.

The Nuts & Bolts of Contract Drafting: From Basic to Advanced Topics is a comprehensive course designed to convey critical—but often unconsidered—principles to assist both attorneys and business professionals with drafting, analyzing, and interpreting contracts. Unlike many other contract-drafting courses, this course focuses on the manner in which concepts are expressed in a contract, as well as certain substantive concepts related to the parties’ respective rights and obligations under a contract.

For more information, please visit nysba.org.