Pennsylvania Super Lawyers

Avocats associés à cet article: Eleanor Lebeau

In March 1986, Martha Hartle Munsch was hard at work preparing for her first-ever jury trial and ready to deliver more than just a persuasive opening argument.  The then-junior partner at Reed Smith was defending Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania (now Verizon) and six of its employees in a suit filed by a former sales executive who had been terminated for violating the company's sexual harassment policy.  "I'm waddling around the courtroom," Munsch recalls, "but I was convinced that there was no way I was not going to try this case."

There was no way she wasn't going to win, either.  Many of the plaintiff's claims were dismissed in summary judgment, and his wrongful dismissal allegation was declared a nonsuit by a Common Pleas judge in downtown Pittsburgh.  Munsch was thrilled, but the women jurors on the panel were disappointed when the judge ended the trial - they wanted to see more of Munsch.  For her oratorical skill and infectious energy?  Maybe.  Munsch says they told her they wanted to see when she'd run out of maternity outfits.

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