发言人:: James M. Beck Matthew D. Jacobson

活动类型: 继续法律教育(CLE)或继续专业发展(CPD), 网络研讨会

6 October 2016, 12:00 PM EDT
6 October 2016, 1:00 PM EDT

Thursday, October 6, 2016 12:00 p.m. ET

3D printing is a disruptive, innovative technology that will revolutionize manufacturing, in part by allowing non-traditional entities, including consumers themselves, to engage in product manufacturing. This program will examine 3D printing’s potential impact on product liability laws as the technology becomes faster, cheaper, and more widespread. Traditional product liability theories, based on “manufacturer” liability, will be under scrutiny as entities not usually considered manufacturers begin to produce 3D printed objects. We will discuss and evaluate possible alternative theories that plaintiffs may advance when someone is injured due to a design or manufacturing defect in a 3D printed product. Particular attention will be given to the impact of 3D printing on FDA regulated prescription medical products. Finally, the program will examine various strategies that companies or potential product liability defendants – traditional and non-traditional – might use, prior to litigation, to minimize their possible exposure and mitigate the risk of liability.

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