Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal

作者: Anthony B. Crawford Lisa A. Szymanski William A. Schreiner, Jr., Heidi H. Raschke, William R. Lewis, Craig A. Jacobson, Christina M. Phillips, James P. Bobotek, and Christine T. Phan

For the first time in several years, this year’s survey of developments in property insurance law is not dominated by cases arising out of any one particular substantive area. We discuss notable cases in many areas, but there is no discernible overall trend or dominance by any singular substantive event, like Hurricane Katrina or Chinese-manufactured drywall, giving rise to one large set of claims. For example, we discuss the Seventh Circuit’s rather unique application of a continuous trigger theory, more often applied to a liability policy, to a property policy. We also look at interesting cases involving the insurers’ reliance on, and some policyholders’ reluctance to participate in, examinations under oath.

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