Type d’évènement: Webinar

Date/heure de début
25 February 2015, 12:00 PM ET
Date/heure de fin
25 February 2015, 1:00 PM ET

Wednesday, February 25, 2015 (12 pm ET // 11 am CT // 10 am MT // 9 am PT)

The past few years have seen a dramatic spike in the number of health care data breaches. According to recent reports, criminal intrusions into health care systems have risen 100 percent in the past four years, and these breaches are costing the Industry up to $5.6 billion a year. Cyber criminals are increasingly targeting health care institutions - such as hospitals and health care providers - to gain access to patient records, which may then be used to acquire prescription medications, fake insurance claims and sell Social Security numbers. With the continued migration of health care records from hard copy to digital format, the specter of security breaches shows no signs of diminishing.

Join Reed Smith partners Mark Melodia and Brad Rostolsky for a one-hour webinar discussing the trend, and how health care institutions can best protect themselves from potential breaches. Among topics to be discussed are considerations under HIPAA, the emerging concerns felt by manufacturers, the steps institutions should take in the event that they are victims of a breach and recent class action litigation and government enforcement activity arising from data breaches.

Please register and listen to the recording here.