Reed Smith’s Records & E-Discovery (RED) Group’s first CLE webinar of 2019 will focus on strategies and tactics for improving your e-discovery process.  In this “rapid-fire” session, a variety of experienced e-discovery practitioners will each present their “top tips” for your consideration.   

Speakers: David R. Cohen

Event Type: CLE / CPD, Webinar

Start Date/Time:
17 January 2019, 12:00 PM ET
End Date/Time:
17 January 2019, 1:00 PM ET

This program is presumptively approved for 1.0 general CLE credit in California, Illinois, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas and West Virginia. For lawyers licensed in New York, this course is eligible for 1.0 credit under New York’s Approved Jurisdiction Policy. Please allow four weeks after the program to receive a certificate of attendance.