The 60th Global Legal ConfEx, USA – Online Event aims to bring together 300+ In-house Counsel, Law Firm Partners, Law Tech Professionals, Tech Vendors and Selected Service Providers. Get insights on Litigation. Contracts. Technology. Software. E-discovery. Risk. Security. Compliance. GDPR etc.
Event Type: Webinar
- Start Date/Time:
- 18 November 2020, 8:30 AM PT
- End Date/Time:
- 18 November 2020, 4:30 PM PT
Join Reed Smith's Kimberly Gold for her presentation "Emerging Cyber Litigation: The New Frontier." With the growth in the use of internet these days the cybercrimes are also growing. According to law enforcement agencies, there has been more than 70% increase in the number of cybercrimes being reported in the last year. Panelists will explore following key points:
- Understanding new world of cyber breaches and cyber litigation
- The scope, breadth, and nature of cyberattacks today
- Public and private responses to these attacks
- The legal and litigation landscape
- Opportunities and challenges
- Where to go from here?