In this recurring webinar series, attorneys in Reed Smith’s national State and Local Tax practice will address state specific, regional, and multi-jurisdictional issues and opportunities across all tax types.
Event Type: Webinar

- Start Date/Time:
- 2 February 2022, 2:00 PM ET
- End Date/Time:
- 2 February 2022, 3:00 PM ET
Installments will be structured not only based on geographic regions, but will be industry and topic specific. Be sure to tune into The Reed Smith SALT Room for regularly scheduled updates and useful analysis as to how they may impact your business specifically. The landscape of state and local tax is complex, and always changing, and The Reed Smith SALT Room is here to keep you informed.
In this episode we will discuss how to navigate Texas tax audits and controversies. Topics will include:
- Best practices before, during, and after a Texas audit
- Proper use of the Independent Audit Review Conference
- Requesting documentation to help you prepare your assessment challenge
- Venue selection for Texas tax controversies