Reed Smith operates in France as a branch of Reed Smith (UK) (see LLP). Our office in France comprises lawyers who are regulated by the Ordre des Avocats à la Cour de Paris (Paris Bar) as avocats (lawyers registered at the French Bar) and/or foreign lawyers who are admitted in their home jurisdiction. The rules and principles applicable to the professional conduct of avocats can be obtained on the Paris Bar website or by contacting either the Direction de l'Exercice Professionnel +33 1 44 32 47 76 or the Direction des Affaires Européennes et Internationales + 33 1 44 32 47 77. Reed Smith itself is separately regulated as a firm by the Ordre des Avocats à la Cour. 

Our Turnover Tax (TVA) number is FR 30487792442.

Insurance - In France, lawyers registered with the Paris Bar are covered by an insurance scheme provided by the Paris Bar, wherever they may practice. The insurer is:

Covea Risks
10 boulevard Alexandre Oyon
72030 Le Mans Cedex 9

Complaints and Non-judicial dispute resolution procedures

We are committed to providing the highest quality of service. If you are a client and you have any concerns or complaints about any of the services we provide to you, we would like to discuss them with you and try to resolve them as soon as possible. Initially, we suggest that you contact the person named as your client relationship lawyer in the engagement or the person responsible for the particular matter. However, if you do not want to do that or if your discussions with that person do not resolve your issues, you should feel free to contact our Paris office contacts. The Paris Bar provides various procedures for dispute resolution. Details of the procedures can be obtained from the Paris Bar, at (exercice de la profession/textes sur la profession/décret no.91-1197). For information about disciplinary procedures which can be launched by the Bar at the suit of any interested person, see