We hope to find you all safe and well. Please be aware that despite the circumstances related to COVID-19, the court-ordered reassessment for tax year 2021 in Delaware County, Pennsylvania is underway and deadlines have not been extended. The County issued preliminary assessment notices to property owners in February 2020. Property owners then had ten days from the date of the notice to file an informal appeal. The informal appeals are being held through May 15, 2020. Due to COVID-19, the informal hearings are being held by telephone only.
Property owners still have the right to file a formal appeal whether or not an informal appeal has been filed. The County will issue final reassessment notices to property owners in July 2020, and formal appeals can be filed until August 1, 2020. Formal appeal hearings will be held from July 2020 through October 2020.As of now, the formal appeal hearings will be held in person. The key dates are as follows:
- May 15, 2020 – Informal telephone hearings conclude
- June 2020 – Tyler Technologies to submit updated values to the County
- July 2020 – Final assessment notices to be issued to property owners
- August 1, 2020 – Formal appeal deadline
- July 2020–October 2020 – Formal appeal hearings
We understand it may be challenging for property owners to evaluate their properties during this time. We are working remotely and are able to help with evaluations, informal appeal hearings, formal appeals, or any questions. Because this is a fluid situation, we will monitor this process and key dates and provide updates if anything changes.
Client Alert 2020-305