Reed Smith Client Alerts

Key takeaways

  • Amendments to the Cybersecurity Act 2018 have been proposed
  • New categories of regulated entities will be introduced
  • Existing regulations and regulator supervision will be enhanced

Authors: Bryan Tan Eng Han Goh (Resource Law LLC)

Cybersecurity concept - floating lock


The Cyber Security Agency (the CSA) has launched a public consultation on amendments to the Cybersecurity Act 2018 (the Act). The public consultation ends on 15 January 2024.

Scope of the Cybersecurity Act 2018

The Act is Singapore’s legal framework for the supervision and maintenance of national cybersecurity, setting out measures to prevent, manage and respond to cybersecurity threats and incidents. The Act also sets out regulations for owners of critical information infrastructure (CII) and cybersecurity service providers. CII refers to computers or computer systems necessary for the continuous delivery of essential services, loss or compromise of which will have a debilitating effect on the availability of these services in Singapore.