Reed Smith has lawyers that can provide a full and effective service to clients of all types and sizes operating in the LNG sector.
Clients instruct us as a result of our legal expertise and our in-depth knowledge of the traditional LNG value chain and the emerging dynamics of the spot market.
At Reed Smith, our LNG team comprises attorneys from a broad range of specialties and jurisdictions, enabling us to work on projects, transactions and disputes throughout the world.
We have broad experience in the LNG sector, ranging from the development and structuring of onshore and offshore LNG projects, including equity and capacity rights, construction, operation and maintenance of liquefaction and regasification facilities and related supply and off-take arrangements, construction and chartering of LNG tankers, FSUs and FSRUs, to portfolio and spot market trading.
Our experience in LNG is backed up by market-leading expertise from our broader industry groups of construction, energy, environmental, finance, planning, regulatory, shipping and trading attorneys, as well as complementary expertise from our antitrust/competition, patent, sanctions and tax teams across a number of jurisdictions.