London-based international arbitration lawyer Gautam Bhattacharyya will be leading a session on “Interim/Provisional Measures and Emergency Arbitration” as part of the Maharashtra National Law University (MNLU) Mumbai’s Centre for Arbitration and Research course on international arbitration.

Speakers: Gautam Bhattacharyya

Event Type: Seminar

Start Date/Time:
13 December 2020, 12:00 PM GMT
End Date/Time:
19 December 2020, 12:00 PM GMT

Between December 13 and 19, 2020 participants will listen to leaders in the field discuss topics such as the conceptual framework of the ICA, the conceptual framework of investment treaty arbitration, and governing law in arbitration. MNLU Mumbai set up the Centre for Arbitration and Research in 2019 to conduct high-end research and training in the field of arbitration.

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