Francophone Africa is an important and growing market, dynamic and rich in business opportunities.

As part of its commitment to international arbitration in the region, Reed Smith is delighted to sponsor the “Journées maghrébines de l'arbitrage” events held in Tunis on December 15 and 16, 2022. The events, which are co-organized by the ICC and Ifriqya, include an ICC YAAF event (December 15) followed by the ICC Conference (December 16).

Speakers: Ana Atallah

Event Type: Seminar

Location Name:
Start Date/Time:
15 December 2022
End Date/Time:
16 December 2022

Ana Atallah, Guillaume Aréou and Amani Lakhdhar from Reed Smith’s Paris office will attend these two major ICC events, with Guillaume speaking at the ICC YAAF event on the topic of “Escalation clauses and failure to comply with mediation” and Ana speaking at the ICC Conference on the topic of “Arbitration and illicit contracts”.

For more information about Reed Smith’s Francophone Africa international arbitration practice, please visit

Please download the PDF (in French) below for more information.