In a case that will have an immense impact on Pennsylvania products liability cases, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently heard arguments in Sullivan v. Werner.

Speakers: James M. Beck

Event Type: Webinar, CLE / CPD

Start Date/Time:
16 May 2023, 12:30 PM EDT
End Date/Time:
16 May 2023, 1:30 PM EDT

Sullivan will decide whether to continue, after Tincher, the 35-year-old absolute ban on strict liability defendants being able to admit into evidence their compliance with industry and governmental standards. Many of us have spent our entire careers defending Pennsylvania product liability cases with one hand thus tied behind our backs. That could change.

This program will be an in-depth look at Sullivan v. Werner, presented by lawyers who have been integral to the case. Specifically, Jim Beck wrote the defense briefs and presented the defense oral argument to the Supreme Court. Bill Ricci, past president of the PADC, was present at the oral argument and helped Mr. Beck prepare for the argument. They have spent much time exploring the implications of this pivotal case, including reading the tea leaves of the Court’s questions at oral argument. They will be sharing their insights and expertise during this program.

CLE Credit: 1.0 substantive credit is offered.