Reed Smith is delighted to sponsor the upcoming XXIII Congreso de la Energia on September 28-29.

Speakers: Francisco A. Rodriguez Gilberto A. Guerrero-Rocca

Event Type: Seminar

Location Name:
Externado University of Colombia, Calle 12 No. 1-17 Este., Bogotá
Start Date/Time:
28 September 2023, 11:45 AM SAPST
End Date/Time:
28 September 2023, 1:00 PM SAPST

Miami-based international arbitration lawyers Francisco A. Rodriguez and Gilberto Guerrero-Rocca will be speaking at the seminar in a panel addressing “Dispute Resolution Mechanisms & Arbitration in the Oil, Gas & Mining Sectors,” hosted on Thursday, September 28.

This seminar is hosted by the Externado University of Colombia law school.