State and federal wage and hour regulations are consistently evolving, complicated by legal frameworks that vary from state to state. Falling behind on these changes can hinder your ability to protect your business and stay competitive in both business and employee recruiting. Our wage and hour lawyers will provide practical insights and best practices to help your organization stay compliant and minimize the risk of legal claims related to wage and hour laws.
Event Type: Webinar, CLE / CPD

- Start Date/Time:
- 28 February 2024, 9:00 AM PT
- End Date/Time:
- 28 February 2024, 10:00 AM PT
Topics will include:
- Trends shaping the wage and hour landscape: Explore the latest developments and emerging trends influencing wage and hour laws on a national scale, including the Fair Labor Standards Act and current Department of Labor initiatives.
- Ensuring compliance in 2024: Gain valuable insights into the current compliance landscape, understanding key changes and best practices for adherence to state and federal laws.
- Strategies for workforce success: Discover practical strategies and approaches to not only meet compliance standards but also enhance overall workforce efficiency and success.