“Reed Smith continues to make gender diversity, equity and inclusion a firmwide priority,” said Sandy Thomas, Reed Smith’s global managing partner. “We are grateful to Seramount for helping us benchmark our results and identify our gains year over year in gender and racial parity. We are dedicated to sustaining our momentum in the important areas of gender equity and social justice.”
Each year since 2007, Working Mother Media has conducted an in-depth survey designed to showcase law firms’ efforts and successes in recruiting, retaining, promoting and developing women lawyers. The firms earning recognition are selected on the basis of extensive demographic data reflecting their women lawyers’ status, including multicultural women, and information on their hiring, retention and advancement practices.
Reed Smith ranked well in all three clusters assessed by Seramount this year, including Female Representation, Flexibility and Leave/Time Off and Support for Women’s Advancement.
“We are delighted to be recognized again as one of the best law firms for women,” said Cristina Shea, global chair of Woman’s Initiative Network of Reed Smith (WINRS). “Despite a very challenging business and personal environment worldwide in 2020, Reed Smith continued to press forward with legacy programs and new initiatives that promote the advancement of women lawyers.”
WINRS is a global platform focused on providing business development support, training, mentoring, and recruiting and retention resources for the firm’s women lawyers, including targeted, customized programs and support for women at critical points in their careers.
Seramount will honor Reed Smith and other Best Law Firms for Women in conjunction with its annual conference celebrating the Top Companies for Executive Women. The conference – Women Reimagine: How We Work – will be presented virtually December 9. It will bring together law firms, executive women leaders and rising women across all industries committed to creating gender and racial parity in the workplace. The conference goal is to foster a sense of community, collaboration, and allyship between two powerful groups whose values are aligned to establish new and fruitful relationships.
Reed Smith’s Seramount recognition comes close on the heels of the firm’s recognition in three categories of the 2021 Yale Law Women’s annual survey of gender equity and family friendliness in April. In conjunction with the overall recognition, Vault 100 and Yale Law alumni recognized the firm for its gender-focused hiring practices, LGBTQ+ representation and racial justice contributions.
About Reed Smith
Reed Smith is a dynamic international law firm dedicated to helping clients move their businesses forward. With an inclusive culture and innovative mindset, we deliver smarter, more creative legal services that drive better outcomes for our clients. Our deep industry knowledge, long-standing relationships and collaborative structure make us the go-to partner for complex disputes, transactions, and regulatory matters.
For more information, please visit www.reedsmith.com.