In recent years, banking supervision law has proven to be a central component of government measures to overcome crises in the financial markets. This applies both to the financial market crisis from 2007 to 2012 and currently in connection with the COVID-19 situation. In this respect, banking supervision law is a dynamic area of regulation, the structure of which is not statically predetermined, but must always be adaptable in response to economic developments and cycles. Within the EU, the European legislature took on the task of shaping the legal framework for banking supervision several years ago, with the CRD and CRR. European institutions such as the ECB and authorities such as the EBA are adapting regulatory requirements as necessary to achieve the best possible objectives in the area of financial market stability. The reactions of the supervisory authorities to the COVID-19 situation show that regulatory requirements can be adapted quickly and flexibly if the general economic conditions so require.
This flexibility also demonstrates the stability of the current prudential regulatory framework. This regulatory framework is presented in a practice-oriented manner in this new edition of the standard work on European banking supervision law, taking into account the changes in the core areas since the first edition.