Managed Care Outlook 2024

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Managed care companies continue to face increased risk from some providers potentially engaging in improper provision of health care services and billing, which may implicate fraud, waste, and abuse. Three areas where additional focus is warranted in 2024 are: (1) genetic testing; (2) durable medical equipment billing; and (3) med-spa services.

Authors: Bryan M. Webster

Genetic testing

Rapid advancements in testing for various genetic disorders and diseases have led to exponential growth in genetic testing services. As a result of the rapid development of these services, lagging government regulation in this area and high charges associated with many of these services, genetic testing has become a ripe area for potential improper billing by some health care providers and laboratories. These ever-changing conditions and advancements in medicine also have made it challenging for payors to develop and update medical and payment policies for these services.

In October 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published proposed new rules regarding laboratory-developed tests (LDTs), which if implemented will help curtail some potentially improper billing practices related to genetic testing by treating LDTs like other FDA- regulated devices. Should these rules be adopted, and given that they will not be fully implemented until April 1, 2028, there's an opportunity to enhance existing payment policies. Considering the medical reasons and cost-efficiencies associated with specific genetic testing, such as for certain types of cancer or advanced maternal age pregnancies, payors should continue to consider further developing existing payment policies for genetic testing to help reduce potentially improper billing for these services.

One interim recommendation is the development of payment policies for genetic testing requiring the use of “Z-Codes” for genetic tests. Medicare has required the use of Z-Codes since 2015. Use of those codes allows a payor to request additional information as a corresponding claims data element, thus enabling the payor to assess the circumstances of the lab testing services. Payors may also want to consider developing fee schedule payments for genetic testing services that are tied to specific Z-Codes, similar to what Medicare and many payors have implemented regarding payments for urine drug testing and the use of “G-Codes.” Development of payment policies consistent with this payment structure will help disincentivize potential improper billing for these services while helping to ensure that legitimate services are being paid.

Key takeaways
  • Update payment policies for genetic testing to structure payments similar to the use of G-Codes for urine drug testing
  • Audit DME claims to ensure no improper unbundling or miscoding
  • Review med-spa claims and documentation to confirm appropriate billing of services
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