Mark Pring Photo

Mark is a partner in Reed Smith’s firmwide Insurance Recovery Group, a globally recognized team of coverage attorneys operating internationally who are committed to providing support only to policyholders. That support encompasses acting for corporate and individual insureds (including directors and trustees) in a range of matters, from claims and disputes handling to risk management and policy advisory work.


  • College of Law, York, 1990, CPE
  • University of York, 1989, M.A., History
  • University of Cambridge, 1988, BA (Hons)

  • Solicitor Advocate (All Higher Courts)

  • The Law Society 
  • The London Solicitors Litigation Association 
  • The British Insurance Law Association 
  • The International Bar Association
  • American Bar Association 
  • The Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances

Awards & Recognition

  • Ranked in Chambers UK for UK-wide Insurance: Mainly Policyholders, 2017-2025
  • Ranked in Chambers Global for UK Insurance: Mainly Policyholders, 2017-2025
  • “Mark Pring is an absolute delight to deal with, and comes with a wealth of knowledge which is never bettered and rarely matched. His experience of working on the insurer side of disputes places him a relatively unique position to advise policyholders on what their opponents’ next move is likely to be.”, “Mark Pring is an exceptionally hands-on and collaborative partner. A real subject-matter expert for insurance industry professionals.” - Legal 500 UK 2023
  • "Mark Pring comes recommended as a ‘very strong technical insurance lawyer’ by one source, while another comments: ‘He's very knowledgeable and is excellent at strategy.’ He assists policyholders across a range of claims relating to financial and professional services, among other areas.” – Chambers and Partners UK 2020
  • ‘“Very effective” Mark Pring covers a broad range of insurance work’ – Legal 500 2020
  • “Mark Pring is ‘very sensitive to the commercial needs of the client,’ according to market commentators. He handles professional indemnity, real estate and energy and construction coverage among other areas.” – Chambers & Partners 2016
  • “Mark Pring is ‘an able lawyer who is committed to achieving the best for his clients’” – Legal 500 2015
  • Mark was identified as a “Best Client Partner 2014” in a Legal Week survey of FTSE 100 general counsel. In addition, Mark is regularly commended by independent legal directories for his personal performance