Telecommunications and broadband data providers have a unique set of legal needs. You need a law firm prepared to support you with state, federal, and national regulatory compliance; rulemaking proceedings; enforcement actions; tech transactions; privacy matters; rights-of-way concerns; and a variety of other industry-specific legal and regulatory issues. We understand the distinct needs of the telecommunications and broadband data industry, and we are prepared to assist you.
Our leading global telecommunications team works with a wide range of clients, from the world’s largest telecommunications companies to new entrants to the field, offering pioneering communications services. We act on behalf of mobile, fixed, and satellite communications entities, operators, service providers, and technology providers. We also advise many of the leading names in the technology and media sectors, and regularly provide counsel on projects and issues that cut across these converging industries.
Our team includes attorneys with decades of in-house and outside counsel experience representing telecommunications and broadband data providers before state, federal, and national regulators, including the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), UK’s Office of Communications (Ofcom), Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunication (BIPT), The Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques et des Postes (ARCEP), The Federal Network Agency (BNA), and state public utility commissions. We can help you develop regulatory compliance plans; draft corporate policies, procedures, and consumer terms of service; and draft and negotiate provider-to-provider agreements.
We also have experience with essentiality declarations with European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ESTI) and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and deep knowledge of their intellectual property rights policies.