Welcome to the first episode from The Reed Smith SALT Room.

In this recurring webinar series, attorneys in Reed Smith’s national State and Local Tax practice will address state specific, regional, and multi-jurisdictional issues and opportunities across all tax types. Installments will be structured not only based on geographic region, but will be industry and topic specific. Be sure to tune into The Reed Smith SALT Room for regularly scheduled updates and useful analysis as to how they may impact your business specifically. The landscape of state and local tax is complex, and always changing, and The Reed Smith SALT Room is here to keep you informed.

Oradores:: Jennifer S. White

Tipo de evento: Seminario web, Educación legal continua/desarrollo profesional continuo

Fecha/hora de inicio:
17 September 2020, 2:00 PM EDT
Fecha/hora de finalización:
17 September 2020, 3:00 PM EDT

This installment, State Tax Diet: Ideas to Reduce the “Ap” Portion Size of State Income, will offer a look at multi-jurisdictional apportionment ideas that could result in reduced income tax liabilities around the country. These unique opportunities may be used to increase NOLs, reduce taxable income, or simply as an audit offset. They include:

  • Removal of receipts from the apportionment fraction altogether;
  • Weighing certain receipts; and
  • Alternative means of sourcing receipts based on origin and destination formulas.