Global chair of Reed Smith’s international arbitration practice Peter Rosher will take part in the ICC France “Masterclass: L’arbitrage à l’anglaise” event on May 25, hosted in the Reed Smith Paris office.

Oradores:: Peter Rosher

Tipo de evento: Seminario

Nombre de la ubicación:
Reed Smith's Paris office, 112 Av. Kléber, Paris 75016
Fecha/hora de inicio:
25 May 2023, 5:00 PM France Daylight Time
Fecha/hora de finalización:
25 May 2023, 7:00 PM France Daylight Time

Through a dynamic case study, presenters will critically examine English-style arbitrations, particularly in the light of the latest developments following the ongoing review of the Arbitration Act 1996 being undertaken by the Law Commission of England & Wales.

All stages will be covered in this session, from pleading-style briefs, the schedule and content of factual documents, testimonies and expert reports, preparation and oral argument at the hearing, to closing arguments and the drafting of sentence.

The aim is to encourage a lively debate and examine the following question: “Is English-style refereeing fit for purpose in 2023?”