International arbitration lawyer Francisco Rivero presents on “Structuring International Arbitrations” at the Houston Energy Conference.
Tipo de evento: Seminario
- Nombre de la ubicación:
- University of Houston (Conrad N. Hilton College), 4450 University Drive, Houston TX 77204
- Fecha/hora de inicio:
- 28 February 2024, 11:00 AM CT
- Fecha/hora de finalización:
- 28 February 2024, 12:30 PM CT
- More Information:
- Houston Energy Conference
The panel session, entitled “Structuring International Arbitrations Based on the Parties Involved as Well as the Size and Scope of the Dispute (CLE),” will include discussion on:
- the distinctions between domestic and international arbitration; and
- best practices in customizing international arbitrations based on the parties involved and commonly used legal practices (e.g., using civil law procedures, like the IBA Prague Rules, to permit non-conventional practices such as having the arbitrators question witnesses, or adopting California’s use of a preliminary opinion from the panel before the final hearing).