DALLAS – Combining technological innovation with subject matter experience, Reed Smith today launched the fitness-for-duty app SafelyTogether, a workplace e-solution to help U.S. companies re-open their doors safely for employees, stay on top of COVID-19-related regulatory developments and maintain business continuity.
Portrait of young man with face mask back at work in office after lockdown, working.

SafelyTogether records employees’ daily COVID-19 screening results; produces daily, non-intrusive contact tracing reports; and provides secure up-to-the-minute legal updates from state and federal regulators to identify potential impacts on business processes. Data generated by SafelyTogether allows businesses to spot new employee health and legal issues early before they become disruptive.

“We are in the midst of a U.S. surge in the coronavirus, with many cities and states tightening restrictions,” said Reed Smith Labor & Employment partner Mike Correll. “There are still huge numbers of businesses with essential workers in their places of business every day, and it is imperative that these workplaces are safe for workers and the public.” 

SafelyTogether leverages Reed Smith’s decades of experience helping employers thrive in the most challenging economic and social circumstances and the firm’s unique knowledge of technology, healthcare, and labor and employment to create a comprehensive, integrated solution for workplaces in every business sector that can be tailored to the technology and information needs of any business.