Thierry Lautier won the Plume d'Or in the “Economic and legal issues of tomorrow – Professional press” category, for his article about French patents published at the end of 2020 and featured in a major weekly legal newsletter.
To read the full article, please visit
Lautier was also awarded with a Plume d'Argent in the “Current economic and legal issues – General press” category, for his article about trade secrets, published in the legal French publication dedicated to economics and technology in the industrial world.
To read the full article, please visit
Natasha Tardif was awarded the Plume d'Argent (Silver Prize) in the “Economic and legal issues of tomorrow – Professional press” category, for her article about the consequences of the Digital Markets Act, which was featured in a major national daily newspaper.
To read the full article, please visit
Peter Rosher was awarded the Plume d'Argent (Silver Prize) in the “Economic and legal issues of tomorrow – Professional press” category, for his article about arbitration as an alternative to the uncertainties of Brexit.
To read the full article, please visit
"Les Plumes et Caméras de l'économie et du droit" recognize the best articles and videos that cover economic and legal issues. The awards are announced during the Business & Legal forum conference, a major event in the French legal environment since 2009.