Reed Smith’s selection was announced yesterday at the DFA’s virtual Annual Conference, and it will be featured in the DFA’s 2020 New Partner Report, a yearly compilation and examination of publicly released data regarding attorneys promoted to partnership from the nation’s largest and top-grossing law firms. The progress of nearly 200 large firms from coast to coast was analyzed in this year’s study.
“We are honored to be recognized for our success in continuing to ensure women and other diverse individuals at Reed Smith have the resources and support required to become partners and fulfill other key leadership roles firmwide,” said Casey Ryan, the firm’s global head of legal personnel. “We have long kept our eye on the ball in filling our partnership pipeline with women, and we have developed significant and sophisticated programming to move them through the pipeline to partnership. We’re seeing our efforts pay off, and that benefits the firm and our clients.”
According to the DFA’s 2021 New Partner Report, “gender equity, especially at the partner level in law firms, is a testament of an organization’s dedication to diversity, inclusion, and equity.” The organization believes sharing the successes of firms like Reed Smith will start a ripple effect of positive, lasting effects in the profession.