Reed Smith Client Alerts

For a growing number of global companies, the COVID-19 pandemic has put future business activities into enormous doubt and will impact finances for an unknown period of time. Tax payments may further deteriorate companies' financial standing if they are not adjusted to reflect the current circumstances. Beyond measures to provide financing to German businesses and taxpayers by means of subsidised loans and protective provisions for employees and tenants, the German tax offices, both at the federal level and the level of the individual federal states, have issued administrative guidance to reduce tax prepayments and to defer upcoming tax payments for businesses severely affected by the COVID-19 crisis. It remains to be seen whether these limited actions will have a positive impact - certain representatives of Germany’s business community have already called for additional steps by the tax authorities and legislature.

Authors: Carina Park

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Aside from the measures adopted by tax offices, taxpayers and, in particular, multinational corporations should also take a look at the tools available to tackle the tax issues faced by distressed businesses.

Our insights can help you navigate the tax implications of COVID-19 and show you where we could assist you during this unstable time:

  1. Circular and decree of the German Federal Ministry of Finance and the Supreme Tax Authorities of the German Federal States

On 19 March 2020 the Federal Ministry of Finance and the Supreme Tax Authorities of the Federal States published, respectively, a circular and a decree introducing tax measures to combat the effects of COVID-19 on the economy.

The following is an overview of the measures which can be taken:

Tax measures to combat the effects of COVID-19 on the economy

*Please note that tax claims against the taxpayer may not be deferred if a third party has to pay the tax for the account of the taxpayer, in particular in cases where the tax is to be withheld and remitted (e.g. wage taxes and dividend/royalty withholding taxes)