Reed Smith's GC Roundtable Series

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has recently renewed its focus on the reform of audit, and in light of this we invited a group of our key clients to join us for a virtual roundtable to discuss their views on a range of related issues, including the proposed revisions to ISA 240.
Woman looking at charts on laptop

Auditors have always been subject to considerable scrutiny from regulators, the media and the public alike, and discussing the proposed new reforms and how they are likely to impact auditors in practice was insightful and important as it helped to understand their real impact in practice. We were delighted to have a number of senior clients from various accountancy firms to share their thoughts on this and also on the wider, more holistic consultation launched by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) on 18 March.

Please view the flipbook of the roundtable report at, or download a copy of the report using the link below.