Tipo de evento: Seminario web
- Fecha/hora de inicio:
- 21 September 2021, 2:30 PM France Daylight Time
- Fecha/hora de finalización:
- 21 September 2021, 4:30 PM France Daylight Time
We have identified eight points of contention in the international arbitration community with respect to witness evidence, including “cross examination does not enhance the value of witness evidence” to “save in rare situations, documents should be accorded more probative value than witness testimony”.
To debate and discuss these issues, we have assembled a cast of stars from near and far.
Following a presentation by Dr Kimberly Wade on psychological factors affecting witness evidence, José Astigarraga, the firm’s Global Chair of International Arbitration, and Paris-based international arbitration partner, Peter Rosher, will moderate the interactive, dynamic discussion among the panelists.
Audience members will have a chance to vote on each point of contention, providing insight to depth of the disagreements.
For a copy of our event highlights, please read the online flipbook or download the PDF below.