This year’s quiz will be hosted by Ed Balls, a broadcaster, writer and economist and a former member of Parliament, along with other special guests to be announced shortly.

Veranstaltungsart: Pro Bono, Event

Banking Hall, 14 Cornhill, London EC3V 3ND
Startdatum / -uhrzeit:
8 November 2022, 6:30 PM GMT
Enddatum / -uhrzeit:
8 November 2022, 10:00 PM GMT

Reed Smith is holding the biggest ever Theirworld Charity Quiz Evening celebrating Theirworld's 20th anniversary on Tuesday 8 November at the Banking Hall, Cornhill London. Reed Smith and Theirworld, the global education charity, have enjoyed a partnership spanning over 20 years and to celebrate this incredible milestone, we're back in-person after two years of holding this quiz virtually.

Book your table of 8 by Friday 21 October - £500 donation directly to Theirworld.