The ICC Costa Rica International Chamber of Commerce and its Arbitration and RAC Commission are hosting the XIV edition of Congreso de Arbitraje Internacional (CAI) Costa Rica on February 8, 9 and 10, 2023.

Referent: Rebeca E. Mosquera

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Royal Intercontinental Hotel, San José Province, San José 10202
Startdatum / -uhrzeit:
8 February 2023, 7:30 AM CT
Enddatum / -uhrzeit:
10 February 2023, 1:00 PM CT

Rebeca Mosquera will be taking part in a panel discussion on “The theory of the case – design and strategy – the litigant’s perspective” alongside co-speakers:

  • Francisco González de Cossío (González de Cossio Abogados, Mexico)
  • Valeria Galíndez (Galindez Arbitration, Brazil)
  • Jose F. Sánchez (Vinson & Elkins, New York)
  • Roger Guevara (Alta Batalla, Costa Rica)

Other topics discussed throughout the conference will cover arbitration and commercial mediation. There will also be a workshop with case studies.