发言人:: Craig R. Enochs

活动类型: 继续法律教育(CLE)或继续专业发展(CPD), 研讨会

Reed Smith Houston, 811 Main St. Suite 1700, Houston TX 77002
24 February 2015, 9:00 AM CT
25 February 2015, 4:15 PM CT

As part of the IECA's Credit Risk Management Certification Program (CRMCP), this two-day seminar is designed for beginner/intermediate level energy professionals in credit, risk management and contracts/legal fields. Seasoned professionals will also appreciate the refresher course due to ever changing regulations. The seminar will include breakout sessions where attendees will explore selected issues from the perspective of diverse industry participants, providing insight into why counterparties may draft agreements differently and how to bridge those differences between provisions to reach mutually acceptable positions.

This training seminar addresses the fundamental concepts behind the aspects of the ISDA Agreement. Upon completion of the course, attendees will depart with an understanding of:

  • The general structure and purpose of the ISDA Agreement, including specific provisions in the 1992 and 2002 Master Agreements, the ISDA Schedule, the Credit Support Annex (including Paragraph 13) and physical commodity annexes
  • The importance of real-world provisions for different commercial sectors
  • U.S. bankruptcy safe harbor rights related to energy commodities
  • The relative risks master agreement provisions present to commercial participants
  • Regulatory changes and their impact on ISDA documentation for end users

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