发言人:: Matthew Gorman

活动类型: 研讨会

Reed Smith
10 Collyer Quay
#06-01 to 06
Ocean Financial Centre
Singapore 049315
, 10 Collyer Quay, Singapore 049315
25 June 2015, 12:00 PM
25 June 2015, 2:00 PM

For businesses active in the technology, media and entertainment (TME) sectors, the last decade has witnessed unprecedented shifts in the ways consumers access media and entertainment. In the face of aggressive and agile competition, trusted business models can no longer be relied on. For many companies, survival increasingly hinges on developing capabilities beyond their traditional core.

Reed Smith has partnered with MergerMarket on a series of reports called Deal Dimensions. Each report will follow a sector-specific survey of 100 senior executives from across the world, as well as an analysis of Mergermarket data.

The first report, which launched on 15th June, focuses on the Entertainment, Media and Technology sector. The survey uncovered a nascent trend of convergence between technology, entertainment and media companies and is the central theme of the report. The report also includes interesting insights around valuations, deal-blockers and tips on how to seize convergence opportunities.

To launch the report and discuss the key findings, we are hosting a select number of key industry players for a roundtable lunch at our Singapore office.