Research shows that gender diversity drives greater innovation and improved decision making.  Organizations that lead the way in advancing women, as well as in eradicating unlawful harassment and in ensuring pay and other equity, are more apt to thrive in the global market place.  Through thoughtful investment in women, they are also more apt to reduce the cost and legal risks associated with disengaged employees and poor retention rates. 

发言人:: David J. McAllister

活动类型: 网络研讨会

10 May 2018, 12:00 PM EDT
10 May 2018, 1:00 PM EDT

In this session, our employment attorneys will:

  • Present the compelling data that supports the business case for gender diversity.
  • Address how to assess the degree of glass ceilings and glass walls, including where it is in the recruitment, advancement, and retention cycle that talented women are lost.
  • Offer practical solutions and legally defensible ways to get the full utilization of talented women at all levels of an organization, to overcome barriers, and to improve the experience for women in their career journey - so that your organization is on track to succeed.