As everyone knows, LIBOR is going to cease to be published and be available as a reference rate for financial products. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) will not compel banks to submit LIBOR quotations, or sustain the LIBOR benchmark, after 2021. However, financial institutions and many other market participants have had so much to deal with in 2020 that it has been difficult for these parties to devise strategies and otherwise address the scale, complexities and challenges of LIBOR transition.

Referent: Simon Hugo Claude Brown David R. Cohen

Veranstaltungsart: Webinar

Startdatum / -uhrzeit:
19 November 2020, 10:00 AM ET
Enddatum / -uhrzeit:
19 November 2020, 11:00 AM ET

Q3 and Q4 so far of 2020 has witnessed some key milestones and significant regulatory and market developments as the pace of LIBOR transition accelerates. The time to act is now. Financial institutions and other market participants have limited time to review, analyze and remediate thousands of contracts that include provisions relating to IBORs by the end of 2021. The transition away from IBORs will impact a vast array of products, businesses, systems, and processes, as well as customers and counterparties.

This webinar assembles market leading experts from Reed Smith’s international IBOR transition team and its award winning technology subsidiary, GravityStack to help you take stock of the key strategic considerations and market progress in a range of financial products and activities, including loans, derivatives, asset management and securitizations. We will also share some helpful tips for effectively managing a transition of this magnitude with the assistance of AI technology, advanced project management techniques, and efficient staffing models.