Legaltech is the largest and most important legal technology event of the year. Legaltech® provides an in-depth look at what the technological world has in store for you and your practice AND offers an expansive exhibit floor with the most extensive gathering of innovative products designed to meet your current and future technology needs. 

发言人:: Anthony J. Diana Therese Craparo

活动类型: 研讨会

New York Hilton Midtown, 1335 6th Avenue, New York NY 10019
29 January 2019, 8:30 AM ET
31 January 2019, 4:00 PM ET

Join Reed Smith's Anthony Diana and Therese Craparo on Day 3 for their panel, entitled "The Future is Now: Managing Messaging Data." 

Organizations are now leveraging technology and processes to identify records as part of large projects and as part of “business as usual” processes. With the advent of technology platforms that allow for indexing of documents/data, including Microsoft O365, developing processes around the technology will be transformative for the management of information. Hear lessons learned and case studies on: (i) the record classification of 1.5 billion email messages for a healthcare company; and (ii) the defensible disposal of more than 10 billion email messages for a highly regulated financial institution.