In the increasingly digitized world, many companies are looking to expand their use of electronic signatures (“e-signatures”) for contracts, legal documents or other records. Laws in countries across the world have provided for the legal enforceability of e-signatures for over a decade, but only in the past few years has the industry seen a trend toward broader adoption of e-signatures.

In addition to their convenience, correctly executed e-signatures actually provide security and evidentiary features that provide distinct advantages over physical, “wet” signatures. However, organizations implementing e-signatures face risks relating to the authentication and non-repudiation of an e-signature, as well as the retention of admissible records related to the electronically executed transaction.

发言人:: Therese Craparo Howard Womersley Smith Catherine R. Castaldo

活动类型: 继续法律教育(CLE)或继续专业发展(CPD), 网络研讨会

29 May 2019, 12:00 PM EDT
29 May 2019, 1:00 PM EDT

This CLE provides:

  • A global overview of the laws underpinning the enforceability of contracts, legal documents, or other records executed using electronic signatures 
  • Addresses the use of e-signatures in documents or transactions subject to special requirements, including security transactions and negotiable instruments 
  • Offers practical tips for implementing an electronic signature program to address and mitigate the risks related to electronic signatures