Elaina’s primary focus revolves around navigating the intricate world of managed care litigation. Her track record includes not only vigorously defending clients at every stage of litigation but also excelling in complex trials. She has an impressive history of achieving favorable outcomes through adept mediation, pretrial settlement conferences, and arbitration.
Her experience extends across the entire spectrum of litigation, encompassing general liability, professional liability, construction disputes, and matters concerning product and premises liability, all within the purview of both state and federal courts.
Elaina is dedicated to promoting inclusivity and diversity in the legal community and is a member of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee within the Illinois Defense Counsel.
During her tenure at law school, Elaina served as an associate editor for the Elder Law Journal, where she contributed to the dissemination of vital legal information. Additionally, she was a teaching assistant for Advanced Appellate Advocacy and President of the Women's Law Society.
Elaina’s dedication to the community was evident in her work as an advanced student attorney for the Elder Financial Justice Clinic. In this capacity, she represented clients involving elder abuse, financial exploitation, and consumer fraud, embodying the very essence of legal advocacy and social responsibility.