Reed Smith Newsletters

  1. No poisonous fruit: GDPR infringement and labor law
  2. CJEU: Consumers do not have a second right of withdrawal where a free trial automatically turns into a paid subscription
  3. Hamm Court of Appeals: Messaging services of social media services and real estate portals are also considered electronic mail
  4. Guidance of the German data protection authorities on the EU-US-Data Privacy Framework
  5. Hamburg data protection authority: The group-wide CRM system – joint controllership
  6. Austrian data protection authority: Employers also have obligations under Art. 33 and 34 GDPR in the event of data protection violations by employees exceeding their authorityDSK, EDPB and EDPS publish their opinion on the GDPR Procedural Regulatio
  7. DSK position paper on cloud-based digital health applications

1. No poisonous fruit: GDPR infringement and labor law

by Dr Andreas Splittgerber

Germany's highest labor court (BAG) recently ruled (2 AZR 296/22, judgment of 29 June 2023) that evidence obtained in breach of data protection can be used in labor court proceedings. Specifically, the BAG reasoned "In a dismissal protection process, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Code of Civil Procedure, there is in principle no prohibition on the use of recordings from open video surveillance that are intended to prove intentional behavior by the employee in breach of contract. This also applies if the employer's surveillance measure does not fully comply with the requirements of data protection law."

Conclusion: It is difficult to say how this conflict between compliance departments and HR departments will solved… It is important to note that in any case, a data protection authority can impose a fine for such infringement, even if the evidence is admitted at labor court.

2. CJEU: Consumers do not have a second right of withdrawal where a free trial automatically turns into a paid subscription

by Dr Alexander Hardinghaus, LL.M.

In its judgment of 5 October 2023 in Case C-565/22, the CJEU ruled that the consumer’s right to withdraw from a distance contract is guaranteed only once in respect of a free trial subscription that automatically turns into a paid subscription after the free period, unless the consumer terminates or withdraws from that contract during the free period. However, organizations must inform consumers, prior to the conclusion of the contract, in a clear, comprehensible and explicit manner that, after the initial free period, payment will be required. Where If the organization fails to provide that information, consumers may be entitled to new right of withdrawal. However, no withdrawal right exists when that paid contract is automatically extended for a renewal term.