Type d’évènement: Formation juridique continue

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Grant Street, Pittsburgh PA
Date/heure de début
14 November 2014, 8:00 AM ET
Date/heure de fin
14 November 2014, 11:15 AM ET

Class Actions and FLSA Collective Actions:  Overview, Differences, and Third Circuit Developments

Western District of Pennsylvania Judges and experienced panelists will provide a panel program on Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23 class actions and Fair Labor Standards Act collective actions. This includes an overview of both class and collective actions and discussion of key differences between class and collective actions. The program will cover substantive issues, concerns, and standards at various stages of class and collective action litigation, including motions to dismiss, discovery, class certification, settlement, and trial. There will be discussion of ethical issues in class representation and in settlement of a class or collective action. The program will focus on law and trends in the Third Circuit.

Reed Smith partner Tom Allen will serve as a panelist.

For more information or to register, click here.