Intervenants: David R. Cohen

Type d’évènement: Formation juridique continue

Reed Smith, 811 Main St. Suite 1700, Houston TX 77002
Date/heure de début
29 February 2016, 12:00 PM BIT
Date/heure de fin
29 February 2016, 2:00 PM BIT

Companies are continuously faced with issues and challenges as they relate to e-discovery. Please join us as we provide an e-discovery update and explore hot button topics to address best practices when navigating through these issues. The program, consisting of two substantive sessions, includes:

  • The New Federal Rule - The newly amended Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, five years in development, took effect on December 1. Some legal commentators have predicted that they will bring about the biggest changes in litigation in decades, particularly in the potential to rein in discovery and cut litigation costs. Come to this program to learn about the changes, how they impact litigation strategy, and what companies can be doing even prior to litigation to maximize the reduction in risks and costs.
  • Discovery Dilemmas: Staying Clear of the Ethical Inferno! - Litigation discovery touches on numerous ethical issues. This fully interactive CLE, in the form of a game, will test your knowledge of ethical rules and opinions that intersect with e-discovery. Model Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 3.4, 5.1, 5.3, and 5.5, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and some recent ethics opinions serve as touchstones for a number of ethical quandaries you will be asked to resolve in the context of a hypothetical case. For every correct answer, you will climb closer to "ethical paradise," but beware-- many of these ethics rules can trip you up and slide you down toward the dreaded "ethical inferno!"