Imaging Biz

On October 11, 2012, CMS published yet another version of its guidance on place-of-service codes for the professional and technical components of diagnostic tests. The guidance was first issued as transmittal 2561 on September 28, but that was rescinded and replaced (due to preimplementation contact-information changes) by transmittal 2563.1 It revises the instructions set forth in chapter 13 of the CMS manual system for Medicare claims processing.

This transmittal is the latest in a series of transmittals that began surfacing in 2009 addressing the place-of-service codes, including transmittal 1823, which was to have gone into effect January 4, 2010, and transmittal 2435, which was issued March 29, 2012 but subsequently delayed until October 1. Unless this new release is delayed, the latest guidance will become effective on April 1, 2013.

Despite the many delays, there are really no significant changes, in the latest transmittal, over the prior iterations—only minor clarifications. We expect that CMS intends for this transmittal to reflect its final instructions on the place-of-service codes. Given the importance of these instructions, and lingering confusion on aspects of the place-of-service codes, it is worth reviewing how the location of imaging services should be reflected on the claim form.

Read the full article "CMS Place-of-service Instructions Continue to Confound Providers" at