Auteurs: Christopher J. Fatherley

Cybersecurity is headline news. Governments and global corporations have sharply increased their focus on the cybersecurity risks that are evolving in terms of actors, methods, and consequences. The implications can potentially span multiple critical infrastructure sectors. A key consideration is to define the appropriate balance between threat information-sharing and public disclosure. In the United States alone, Financial Institutions of all sizes face heightened cybersecurity business and regulatory challenges. These key stakeholders must continue to adjust to regulators paying closer attention to the issue as standard risk-management best practice.

Reed Smith’s Financial Industry Group, in conjunction with its Data Privacy, Security & Management Group, has explored these topics and others in its latest white paper titled, "The Current State in Financial Services Cybersecurity." The paper was developed by a number of attorneys who are well versed in the latest financial regulation and data privacy & security issues. Reed Smith’s team includes former regulators from the Federal Reserve Board, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Office of the Attorney General of Illinois, and the UK Financial Services Authority.

To read the full version of this white paper, please download the .PDF below.